The Religious of our Parish
Poor Servants of the Mother of God
The Grass of a Cow
Richard Seymour's Conventon,
'The Grass of a Cow
With the help of Miss Dora FitzGerald of Rockville (sister of Mrs. Coppinger of
Rossmore), commenced the invitation process of Mother Magdalen's Poor Servant
Sisters to Carrigtwohill, at the request of the zealous and beloved parish priest
the village, Richard Seymour,
who wrote to Mother Magdalen, 3rd May 1874, that he would provide a
plot of land for the building of their convent for which he contributed the
initial £100.
"The intended site for the convent is a portion of the yard of St. Mary’s new Church held in perpetuity by the P.P and
Parishioner, free of rent or charges, not even taxes of any sort. I will give a hundred pounds in the first instance
as my subscription to begin with, and secure the grass of a cow. Indeed if I were rich enough I would be inclined to
do all myself."
He concludes his letter;
“However, I have no doubt that God and my friends in and out of the parish will do nearly all the rest that may be
This convent house was demolised during the 1980s to be replaced by Glenmary's Sports Hall, which the
Sisters financed themselves, with their retirement home located behind church.
Click on the link to download and read a brief outline of Fanny Taylor's life
Sisters Arrival
21st June 1875, on the Feast of St. Aloysius, Mother Magdalen with two of her Sisters had established a
community in Carrigtwohill.
Upon their arrival at the Railway Station, they were astonished to be met by the entire village, including the
children, all in festive attire, being led by Richard Seymour. They processed to their new parish church, as
flowers were strewn beneath their feet, under a triumphal banner which read “Cead Mile Failte”
held aloft by the men of this community. Here they recited the rosary and held a hymn service.
Death & Beatification of Mother Magdalen
Upon hearing of Mother Magdalen’s death, 9th June 1900, the Convent of Mercy, Kinsale, where she was well known
since her meeting with the Sisters in the Crimea, the following message of sympathy was received by the Poor
Servants of the Mother of God Order. The author is unknown.
“We had general Communion for her on the 9th (the day of her death) and will have another for her dear
We here very sincerely sympathise with you and your Community in your sorrow, and are grieving at the death of
your Mother General whom we loved and revered as a sincere and kind friend – a very much valued friend and fellow-labour
of our beloved Mother M Frances Bridgeman”
On her Month's mind, an High Requiem Mass was celebrated in Carrigtwohill for the repose of her soul, attended
by the parishioners and many from Overseas, including the Midleton born celebrant, Rev Thomas Barry of Chathswood,
The Cork Examiner of 17th July who reported the event has be transcribed.
On Tuesday, 10th of July, a Requiem High Mass was offered in the parish church of Carrigtwohill, for
the repose of the soul of Mother Mary Magdalen Taylor, the Mother-General and Foundress of the Poor
Servants of the Mother of God. The celebrant of the Mass was the Rev Thomas Barry (Sydney); deacon,
Rev Edmund FitzGerald; sub-deacon, Rev Edmund Lawton; master of ceremonies, Rev John Barry (Armagh).
There were also present in the sanctuary -- Rev J Barry, P P, Carrigtwohill; Rev Father Roche, Plymouth;
Rev J Barry, Maynooth, etc. The Gregorian Chant at the Mass was efficiently rendered by the choir under
the direction of the Rev Thomas Roche, C C, Carrigtwohill. A good congregation was present and joined in
the above-mentioned distinguished religious. This venerable lady, whose month’s memory was celebrated on
Tuesday, and has left after her an honoured name and noble work to perpetuate her memory. Born and reared
in the Protestant Faith, she in the year 1854 went to the Crimea as a lady nurse to assist in nursing the
wounded soldiers of that memorable campaign against Russia. There she had the happiness of being received
into the Catholic Church, and from that time until her death she never ceased to work for God and for God’s
poor. She founded the Order of the Poor Servants of the Mother of God, an Order of Nuns who are devoted to
the various works of mercy for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. How well these good nuns carry
out these rules of their Order is well known to those who have experience of their great ability in the
Church. This remarkable lady -- Mother-General -- with prudent zeal guided the infant community from a
very modest beginning to a most successful result. She lived to found several houses of her Order in
England -- one in Paris, one in Rome, three in Ireland, one of which is in Carrigtwohill, where the good
Sisters, in addition to their other duties, are very successful teachers of the Female National School in
the parish and of a Boarding School in their own Convent. This useful and edifying Community was invited to
come to Carrigtwohill by the late venerable pastor, the Rev Richard Seymour, and they came there in the year
1874. Since that time to the present day they continue to carry out the work of their venerable Foundress,
and are a blessing to the parish, particularly to the female youth confined to their care. Full of years
and merits, this good and faithful servant of the Lord who recently called to her reward amidst the prayers
and tears of her numerous subjects that she loved so much in life. The words of the Scripture are very
applicable in her regard, ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, so saith the Spiros, that they may rest
from their labours, for their works follow them.’”
On 13th June 2014, Pope Francis authorised the promulgation of the decree concerning the
Heroic virtues of Servant of God Mother Magdalen of the Sacred Heart.
For further details of Beatification process, please consult the Order's
website page, or emailing Mary Field