Committee Members & Membership

Current Committee

AGM 2024

Having been widely advertised via our email mailing list, and in the Federation of Local History Societies circulation noticeboards, the AGM was held, 25th April 2024, at Mary Geary’s Childcare, kindly provided by their management.

The AGM commence with an opening address by Jim Barry (Chair), followed by André Saubolle (Secretary), concluding with Michael Cummins’ (Treasurer) financial report, after which the existing committee retired.

Elected Committee

Chairperson: Jim Barry
Vice-Chair: Marie McCarthy
Secretary: André Saubolle
Vice Secretary Tony Ó Floinn
Treasure: Michael Cummins
Committee Officers: Sister Mary Kenefick, Ollie Sheeehan, Frank Hannigan, William Ahern


Monthly Meetings

The venue for our monthly meetings are generously provided free of charge by the management team of Mary Geary Childcare. Their continued support is much appreciated.

We are also paid up members of the Federation of Local History Societies.

Presentations, Lectures, and Tours

Until recently, the former parish church of St David’s was the venue for many of our presentation and lectures, for which we offered a nominal annual subscription. St David’s is currently unavailable, as it is used as temporary classroom. On other occasions Carrigtwohill Community Centre might be used.

These lectures and presentation are generally well attended by our membership, and on numerous occasions by visitors from further afield.